So we’ve already talked about the more practical reasons for getting an irrigation system. How about just shear convenience.
I’d be lying if I said I enjoy watering my lawn. Where is the fun in untangling the hose that the kids may or may not have wrapped around the car, the garbage bins, or every tree in the yard and dragging it however far across the lawn while trying not to damage the lawn and plants in its path?
I’d be lying if I said I enjoy watering my lawn. Where is the fun in untangling the hose that the kids may or may not have wrapped around the car, the garbage bins, or every tree in the yard and dragging it however far across the lawn while trying not to damage the lawn and plants in its path?

Once you have wrestled it into position, and connected the sprinkler, you walk all the way back to your water shut off and turn the water on. When you go double check the positioning of the sprinkler you realize it’s not quite where it needs to be and you need to move it. Now you’re running late for work, for dinner, to get the kids, etc, so you carefully time the movement of the sprinkler and make a run for it. You made it…but just as you are about to set the sprinkler down in its new position you remember that it kept rotating even as you were holding it. Too late, you have now been sprayed despite your timing and careful planning.

Now that you’ve spent time untangling the hose, walking your yard multiple times, are probably covered in dirt and at least a little wet your sprinkler is in position so you head in to carry on with everything else. Then the kids and/or the dog go out to play and you are quickly shown that a sprinkler is much more fun when it is making mud or spraying each other than when it is watering your lawn and gardens.
And… you start again…
This is not how most people want to start or end their day, or spend their weekends. Take the aggravation of sprinklers and hoses out of your summer and let an automatic in-ground sprinkler system look after all of the watering for you.
An irrigation system will water the areas of your yard that need it, without the frustration and hassle of manual lawn watering, leaving you more time and energy to do the things you love, which is probably almost anything else!!
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